2021 Entrant: Hayley, Year 11

The ImmerseHigh competition is open to Australian school students from Prep - Year 12 so age is no barrier! However, as educators (and parents), we follow health advice so have the following constraints in place for student submissions:

Prep-Year 5 student entrants MUST use Augmented Reality (AR) or immersive video technologies to tell their stories and NOT Virtual Reality (VR).

Year 6-12 student entrants are welcome to use AR, immersive video or VR.

Please refer to the 'Competition' page for more information.

VR Rosie (aka Rosie Summers)

Rosie is a British 3D animator and VR Artist, who loves bringing characters and worlds to life in new dimensions. Like Anna Dreambrush and Sutu, Rosie is a 'live VR art performer' (that's a job your schoolteacher never told you about!) and has worked with a range of high profile clients. Rosie is also fully STEAM-powered and works as an animator at XR Games, having been involved with VR titles such as: Angry Birds Movie 2 VR: Under Pressure and Zombieland VR.

The piece in the video (above) is called 'Seven Worlds, One Planet' and was developed for the BBC'. It ties in perfectly with our 2021 theme of sustainability and Rosie was happy to allow us to use her video and showcase her amazing immersive art!

Checkout Rosie's Website

Anna Zhilyaeva (aka 'Anna Dreambrush')

Ukranian artist Anna Dreambrush has made a career for herself as one of the world's leading VR artists. She has developed a technique known as Volumetric Painting ('Volumism') and regularly gives live painting performances around the world. In this video, performs a 3D interpretation of the famous painting "Liberty Leading the People" (Eugène Delacroix) live at the Louvre Museum in Paris home to the Mona Lisa and works of Vincent Van Gogh.

(Anna kindly gave permission for her videos to be used to inspire student creativity for ImmerseHigh)

Follow Anna Dreambrush on Twitter

Sutu (aka Dr Stuart Campbell)
Pioneering Australian XR Artist

"When I started painting in Tiltbrush I was always posting @tiltbrush and @GoogleARVR I felt like a heckler :-) but I got their attention eventually and that lead to me getting commissioned by Google and then working on Doctor Strange. #XRJobs" 

Sutu has been an inspiration for ImmerseHigh students since 2017 and has kindly given permission to use this video from 'Pause Fest' (2017). Storytelling lays at the very heart of what Sutu creates and he has developed a range of stories covering topics as diverse as: veterans with PTSD; impact of Dementia; global warming; the plight of internees on Manus Island, and a number of traditional and contemporary Australian First Nations' stories. Sutu also founded the Eyejack AR app and has done extensive work using experimental creative technologies.

Checkout Sutu's Website

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